Prize for the Competitiveness of the Industrial Park 2012
2012-08-08 11:32
The prizes for the competitiveness of the Hungarian industrial parks were awarded. The Ipark Pécs participated together with the Association of the Hungarian Industrial Parks and the non-profit Association of Industry and was awarded a prize.
For the first time, prizes were awarded for the competitiveness of the industrial parks. The main prize went to Mátrai Erőmű Ipari Park.
The tender was conducted by the IPE (Association of Hungarian Industrial Parks) with support from the IFKA (Non-Profit Association for Industrial Development). Besides the growth of attractivity of the industrial parks, its main goal was the growth of competitiveness. Batta Ipari Park won the category Commitment to Quality, Pápai Ipari Park won the category Social Sensitivity and Commitment, and Karcagi Ipari Park Commitment to Nature Conservation.
As patron, Áron Lenner, Deputy Undersecretary of State for National Economy and representative of the National Ministry of Economics (NGM), highlighted that the awards show the efforts of the Ministry to help the industrial parks function as independent, competitive economic units.
Roland Fekete, President of the Association of Hungarian Industrial Parks highlighted, that they want to bring about a change of opinion in companies. They deem it important to encourage cooperation and offer qualitative services.